

Parents are requested not to send a sick child to school, and to inform the Head of school as soon as possible. Children with contagious diseases must not be brough to school until it has been cleared by your doctor to do so. The teachers reserve the right, when they feel a child has contracted an infectious disease, to prohibit such aa child from attending school until the child fully recovers. Children who become ill at the school can find the experience distressing. Parents will be notified immediately and asked to arrange for their child to be take home. In the very unlikely event of emergency, the school reserves the right to take your child to the hospital, with every effort being made to contact the parents. Please note that such expenses will be borne by the parents/guardians. Medication will only be given it it is prescribed by a registered qualified doctor ad with the written consent of parents stating exact dosage and times to be administered. Medications must be in their original container. Medication must not be sent through the children.